Duets =)

Now that the family seems to be over any and all sicknesses that we’ve incurred over the Thanksgiving week, and I’ve finally got my voice back, I can get back to singing again, which is a relief, because not being able to sing properly is a huge annoyance to me. I honestly can only remember one day where I haven’t at least hummed, and that was because I was too sick and dehydrated to bother remembering. (That was also the day I had my appendix out.)

Anyway, lately I’ve found myself participating in more and more duets (besides my usual ones with family memebers, i.e. Vanessa or Kevin), the most notable being with my classmates Sierra Sowders and Andrew Rodriguez. Sierra is in my beginning vocal class, and Andrew is in my TV/Film Acting class, but he’s taken the vocal class with Nate Pruitt a couple of times before.

Sierra and I met about two weeks into this fall’s semester. I recognized her because when Mr. Nate asked what kind of music people liked to sing, she replied with “classical/opera”, which of course got my attention right away. (I had just left Vintage Singers at De Anza, and was missing it like crazy). She also was able to perform the vocal exercise Mr. Nate had given multiple times, going higher and higher each time. The next week, I casually began the conversation with something along the lines of, “So you sing classical songs?” LOL. It was a terrible way to start a conversation, but I guess it worked, because that day we snuck into one of the practice rooms and, upon finding that we both knew “I’m Yours”, proceeded to sing our first duet. It was so much fun, we’ve been singing together daily ever since.

This is one of our more recent tapings. It’s “Colors of the Wind” from the Disney Movie Pocahontas. We usually alternate harmonies on songs, and this one she happened to know the alto part for, so she sings harmony on it.

Also new to my “duet” list is Andrew Rodriguez, from my TV and Film Acting class. We found out early on in the semester that each of us could sing, during “interview training’ in that class. When Julie, the instructor found that out, she had each of us sing in class. I sang my favorite song from Wicked, “The Wizard and I”. Andrew sang “I’m Yours” by Jason Mraz. I couldn’t help harmonizing under my breath. (Funny how that song always seems to follow me around. Interesting, seeing as it’s not even one of my favorites from him. My personal fave from Mraz is “Wordplay”.)

Anyway, some weeks later, we ended up singing “Lucky” a capella before class. Then, when I began bringing my ukulele to school more regularly, he’d occasionally join in on the songs that he knew. A couple weeks ago, when Mr. Nate asked if he’d come sing in his class, Andrew asked if I’d like to duet. We ended up singing three songs: “I’m Yours”, “Lucky”, and “A Whole New World” from Disney’s Aladdin.

On a side note, I learned the chords for this song literally one week before, which is why I have a couple chord flubs during the performance. I thought it would be a good challenge, since the uke is not usually my first choice of instrument. This was filmed the day I learned the chords. You can see me glancing at my laptop for reminders on the progression. The next performance, “A Whole New World”, we had practiced together only once, the week before.

You can find Andrew on YouTube as GoldenstateARod.

Cover by Megan, Kevin, and Justin: “Bright Eyes” — Art Garfunkel (2009)

This was originally recorded in 2009, at my high school graduation party, for family and friends. Our Lola Acay, (Lola being the word for grandmother, though she was really our dad’s-father’s-sister) had passed away a couple of weeks prior and we sang this at her funeral during the vigil and as she was being lowered into the ground (much like with “Into the West” at my Grandpa Dean’s vigil and funeral this past January). I believe I would have been about 17 here. Kevin was probably 16, and Justin was probably about 6. I picked this song to be our tribute to her because our Lola Acay had a beautiful, warm personality and was always smiling, and whenever she did, her eyes would absolutely light up.

Background Information:

“Bright Eyes” was written by Mike Batt and originally recorded by Art Garfunkel (of Simon and Garfunkel) for the animated film “Watership Down”.

It’s been remade several times, but my favorites are all by boys with treble (unchanged/soprano) voices. I’m pretty sure I was introduced to this song through Joseph McManners, and then through that video, found the version by Declan Galbraith. I’m pretty sure I’ve posted both of those videos in my “An Angel” cover post, so here’s a cover by the adorable Gwion Wyn Jones, one of the three boys who won the BBC’s “I’d Do Anything” competition to find the next Nancy and Oliver for the West End production of “Oliver!” (the musical). He’s a little pitch at points, and the first time I heard it, the accent threw me off, but it’s still a great rendition.

Moving, Sicknesses, and HappySlip! o.O

It’s finally here, and my family is finally almost moved out of our old house and into the new(ish). It’s been crazy, but I love it. I love being around my cousins all the time.

The only problem with living in a 10-person household is that when one person gets sick, everybody gets sick. Case in point: Last Thursday my little cousin Tristan came home with pinkeye in both eyes and mildly sore throat. He got his eye drops and stayed home on Friday (Veterans’ day). The next day, his sister Vanessa said she had a slight sore throat. Sunday, their sister Camryn had a milder case of pinkeye in one eye. Their mother, my Auntie Mel, caught it early and gave her the eye drops right away. Monday night, Vanessa told me she had a headache and a sore throat and she went to sleep early. The next morning, she had a sore throat, a headache, and a fever, so she stayed home. She also lost her voice that day. That night (Tuesday) my little brother Justin came home after Tae Kwon Do practice and he had pinkeye — really severe pinkeye in one of his eyes. Auntie Mel got him some drops, but then Kevin told me that he was having some itching in his left eye. He woke up the next morning — pinkeye, in both eyes! So I ended up going to school by myself, but I had a bit of a tickle in my throat. By the time I went home on Wednesday, the “tickle” had turned into a sore throat and a headache. So I ended up going to sleep early… Everyone’s on the mend now, but it was ridiculous! :\

Which totally reminds me… today I re-watched a HappySlip video about being sick. I remember the first time I watched this particular vid I was actually getting over a sickness myself, so it was extremely relevant. Plus the Vicks stuff totally cracked me up. =P lol.

For anybody who doesn’t know who HappySlip is, HappySlip is a youtuber named Christine Gambito who specializes in vids capitalizing on Filipino humor. Being a Filipino, I totally see a lot of my family in a lot of her vids, and it’s hilarious! I’m pretty sure the first vid I saw of hers was “Chill Pill”, but my favorite… Oh, nevermind, I don’t think I have a favorite. Anyway, her most recent vid is called “Bunts of Junks”. So true… Especially the manila folder stuff. hehe…

Cover by Megan: “The Lazy Song” — Bruno Mars

This one’s for Randi, because she specifically requested this song, and because it was her birthday a few days ago. =D

I did flub a couple chord/rhythms but otherwise, I’m okay with how it turned out. ^_^

Cover of Declan Galbraith’s “An Angel”

I’ve had this song stuck in my head for a few days, and I’ve been dying to cover it, but I didn’t have my piano. So today, I finally threw in the towel and covered it without playing an instrument. I had to search a while, but I finally did find an instrumental version to sing along to.

It’s a lovely instrumental piece, but it didn’t have the first line and a half, so I had to do those a cappella. (I totes screwed up like five times and started in the wrong key or missed my cue to hit the space bar just as I sang “just like last night” so it took me like ten takes. *headdesk*).

So a little background info on how I found this song: I love musicals, of course, and one of my more recent discoveries (before Wicked and Rent) was Oliver! Now I’d actually decided to go ahead and order it on Amazon, but, of course, that meant I had to wait the somewhere around two weeks before I got it in the mail. So to tide myself over, I spent the next several days watching Oliver! videos. One of those lovely, memorable songs is called “Where is Love”. And even though I still laugh because when I said he sounded like a girl I didn’t actually know he’d been dubbed by a girl, it’s still one of the many, many songs I love about the musical.

So from this particular vid I followed the many suggestions to watch and found the following video:

It’s sung by Joseph McManners, and while I thought he sounded (and, unfortunately, looked) like a girl in this video, I still thought he had a pretty voice, albeit a little thin. So I ended up hooked watching his videos too and came to a video called “Bright Eyes”, which I later found out was actually a cover of Art Garfunkel’s song to his father.

Through this vid, I stumbled across a lovely boy named Declan Galbraith. (On a side note, it took me ages to figure out how to pronounce his name. I might still have said it wrong, but for months I said his name stressing the second syllable and pronouncing it Dee-CLAN. o.O) I thought his cover of Bright Eyes was gorgeous too, although at the time I was a little put-off by the amount of vibrato his voice seems to have. Here’s his version: (I know it’s not an official music video or anything, but it’s the nicest vid I’ve seen put to his version.)

And through getting hooked on his vids, I found this gorgeous song:

Which brings me, several months later, to my cover of his song: (I found out earlier today that this song too, is actually a cover, but since I happen to like his version a bit better than the Kelly Family’s version, and since I covered using his style, I’m posting his vid.)

A quick little shout-out to Lil, one of Tally’s admins and today, the birthday girl! =) She’s also the person who let me adopt my little bouncy-boy, Stewie Blair, Jr, so that makes her extra-awesome! Happy birthday, Lil!

The Importance of Being Earnest

Hi guys! So this isn’t really an update; it’s more of an “I’m not dead — honestly!” post. Because… I’m not dead! =D So yeah, because of the reasons mentioned in the last post, life’s been pretty crazy lately and I actually haven’t uploaded anything on YouTube since. (Not of me, anyway.) SO, to hold you guys over until I get a chance to record again, here’s a little video from the not-so-ancient archives:

This is a scene from “The Importance of Being Earnest” by Oscar Wilde that I performed in for my theatre class final this past winter. It’s one of those funny scenes which was made even funnier because besides being an awkward proposal scene, my scene partner, Terry, was an international student from Korea and so he had a completely different perspective on the character than I did. (I should mention I practically tortured him during our rehearsals because I kept laughing at his facial expressions and sometimes his phrasing of the words. I felt so bad because he was trying so hard to play it straight and I kept dissolving into laughter, and he’d start laughing with me and the practice would go AWOL.)

Anyway, a note about the actual performance: It was two days after my first ever choir performance with the Vintage Singers, the school’s advanced choir, and I’d really pushed myself, so much so that I ended up very ill that night, and the next morning I found I’d lost my voice. This is the following day, when my voice had returned marginally but it’s entirely in my chest voice. I had no head voice for the following month. It was torture during auditions for the next quarter’s Vintage try-outs. At least I still made it, though, so it’s all good. ^_^

So, hope you enjoy. I’ll try to post something up again soon! Salamat!

MEGA POST: Moving && Everybody, Everybody Wants to Love… Dina!

Oh, my God, it’s been like… a month since I last wrote a blog post. I was working on one about Vintage last month, but then a lovely and horrible thing called LIFE got in the way. Not the board game. Actual life. So what happened is that my family, after months and months of anticipation and me not being 100% sure of what exactly was goin on, has finally started the moving process. As in, moving. It’s funny and awesome because what’s going on is that my family is moving in with my mom’s sister’s family (my Auntie Mel). It’s crazy because we are now rearranging a house that previously held five people into a home that must now accommodate ten. I tend to describe it as being like the Brady Bunch, because now there’s three girls and three boys, but there’s two sets of parents, no maid, two dogs and a box turtle living in a four-bedroom house.

Suffice to say it’s going to be packed when everybody’s here. That’s the main reason I’m like… a month late in typing up a blog post. When we started moving, the first person to move into the new home was *trumpets and fanfare* me. Which was great, because I got to start helping the girls reorganize our room and start sorting clothing and such, but the downside to that was that my uncle’s Internet had been down for almost a month, so… no internet. No ‘net, no YouTubeing, no roleplaying, no Facebooking, and no blogging. T_T But now it’s back, so we’re all good. ^_^

Anyway, to recap my last month… *clears throat, and then, speaking very quickly* Well, I finally finished final exams at college so I get to have my summer break, like, a full month after everybody else has started their summer breaks, and then the day I had my last exam, during which I had two performance finals (I’ll post them here at some point; I did “I’m Not That Girl” from Wicked in my Solo Voice final, and then a scene from Othello in my theatre class)…

Anyway, the day I have my last exams my mom and I start packing and the next morning at like… 6 o’clock we go to camp with a lot of people in my family and it was just going to be the weekend but we ended up extending it into Monday because it doesn’t feel like camp unless you sleep out there at least two nights.

And then we all went home and then that week we immediately started the moving process and halfway through that week I started sleeping over and it was kind of uncomfortable because I was sleeping on the floor but then a couple days later we moved my Grandpa’s chaise that he slept on when he was living with us into the girls’ room which had the bunk bed so we now all are able to fit in this room. Quite a feat… three girls all sharing the same room & closet space.

And then that weekend we went to Monterey with the Tantingco’s and splished and splashed around in the ocean. And then last week we continued organizing the rooms and such so now all the girls’ clothes are put away and the computer room’s nearly empty so that now we can start thinking about moving the boys into the house. Except JT has summer school and Mommy has work and Kevin has to stay at home because Daddy needs to be driven around since he can’t really see well enough to drive anymore, and he can’t drive without Dad anyway because he hasn’t gotten his license yet.

And on Wednesday we went to the Library but I couldn’t get a card because it’s a different Library provider than the one I had at home and I don’t have proof of residence yet. But it was okay because Auntie Mel’s card could hold 100 items for borrowing.

And then we went to Great America with Hanna and Kevin tagging along on Thursday and we all got season passes which was really cool. And then we went again on Saturday because we went to the Kababayan Fest at Great America and we stayed there all day because there were so many great Filipino performers there, including ANAK, Legaci, Andrew Garcia (even though he’s not actually Filipino) and AJ Rafael. Did I mention he’s amazing? His latest music video is called “Without You”.

It makes me really proud to be a Filipino. =D And then this week we’ve gone to check out Gavilan ’cause it’s closer than De Anza, but I’m not 100% sold yet, even though it is closer and more convenient. I’m already attached to several people at DA, and I did try out for the Foothill Conservatory even though that’s really far away compared to a lot of other schools. (I finally heard back from them… they said I’m still in consideration… Fingers crossed…) And then today we went to the trail where I biked 8 miles and then we did a TON of laundry. *exhales* Whew! Glad that’s over with.

Anyway, when I finally got back on the internet, I noticed that that lady I covered in my last blog post, Dina, had left me a bunch of comments, one here on the blog, and one on my YouTube, which I thought was really cool, since I’m still relatively new to the posting-videos-regularly-on-YouTube people. She posted on my aforementioned video taken during my final-final in my Beginning Singing class. (I tend to call it Solo Voice, though, because it sounds more professional, and because there are plenty of people in the class who have plenty of experience singing.)

I LOVE it. You have a fantastic voice and so much spirit. I like how you represented “the green girl” with a green sweater.

thirtycats 1 week ago
I followed the link to her channel and was surprised to see that it was the lady who’s obsessed with Australia! I haven’t been able to follow her as well over the past month for the above reasons, but I was really happened to see that she had covered more of the Blair family while I’d been away. Makes me happy because I LOVE Stewie, my character. I knew she’d had to have seen a little about him because the title on her July 10th post was: Maggie, Stuart’s Kid’s, Siany’s Goals, and Michael Dawes. There’s only two Stuarts on Tally, which I know she covers once a day in her blog, and only one of them actually goes by Stuart. Stuart Jr, of course, is Stewie. Here’s her little excerpt on the Blairs:
11. Started to read Stuart’s post.    He’s the single father to five kids.   Who are they?   Tamarah’s one; then the boys I suppose (Tom and Tim).   I think Stewie’s another song.   That leaves one more.   Is it Jezabel?I’ll read Stuart’s biography in a minute   I glanced at it, and I’m pretty sure I haven’t read it yet.12. Started to read Stuart Blair’s biography.

He’s the Minister of Magic for Victoria.

I think I already knew that.

He’s easygoing, except for the occasional moments when he’s angry.   He wears nice clothes at work, and when not at work.   He keeps fit by working out a lot.

14.  Learned that Stuart’s past love interest was Tanya.   I may have already known that; but I sort of forgot.Tanya and Stuart split up.   Stuart had a little fling.   This all sounds familiar to me.   I may have read it before?   Maybe on someone else’s biography?15. Saw that the fling resulted in Jezabel.   Her mother is Adele.   So when I read about Adele, I probably read about Stuart’s fling.

Stuart and Tanya raised Jezebel.   The biography says Adele was going to do something rash otherwise.   Would that be an abortion?

Tanya got pregnant with the triplets.   So then the couple ended up with four kids.   There’s Jezebel.  She’s half-siblings with Tamarah, Tim, and Tom.   They’re connected through their father.   Then Améa is half sisters with Jezebel via their mother (Adele).   I think I’m FINALLY understanding all of this.

Améa and Tamarah are not siblings by blood; but they’re connected by the fact that they’re both sisters to Jezabel.

16. Read more of Stuart’s biography.   He had challenges with Jezabel.   She did her weird dreaming stuff, and she had different personalities.   But it seems he managed to be a good father through all of this.

Then another baby came along.  Stuart jr.   So, that must be baby #5.   His role-player is Megan, the singing girl.

And then I went, WHAT?!?! Megan, the singing girl? Wait, she talkin’ about me? o.O I knew that she’d posted on my YouTube, but if she was referencing me as that, and not as “Camryn Adiarte”‘s roleplayer, that meant she’d covered me in a previous post. So of course, I needed to investigate.
*insert Pink Panther music here*

Turned out she’d covered me in her July 4th blog post, titled Google Maps, Yarri Road, Reunions, and Talented People. I’m very flattered. She posted not one, but three of my videos, including my final-final from Wicked, my “Tally Makes me Feel Bubbly!” vid (did I post that here already?) and then, of all things, my cover of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah”.

24. Followed a link on Statcounter and found that someone from Tallygarunga wrote a blog post about me.   I’m so incredibly honored.  HappyOrganist has been talking about crushes lately on her blog.   I’m thinking my current crush is a collective one.   I have a crush on all the Tally-writers.    You might think that’s weird.  And it is.   But it’s not my weirdest crush.   My weirdest is when I had a crush on the Bulgarian person appearing on my Statcounter.    I don’t know if it was male or female….or what age he or she was.  I knew nothing except the person was coming to my blog from Bulgaria.  They kept coming to the same post, and the mystery intrigued me.

The Tally crush is more about talent than mystery.

Megan, the Tallygarunga writer with the blog has multiple talents.  She writes, she sings, and I’m betting she does other stuff as well.

Here’s a video of her singing I’m Not That Girl from Wicked.

[[I won’t post it again since I already linked it up there… ^_^ ]]

She has a beautiful voice.

What can I say but thank you? o.O !?!?!? (Oh, and did I mention she talked about me in #24 again? Sa-weet! … lol.) But then, she kept going…

25. Found another one of Megan’s talents.  She plays the ukulele.

That video gave me a little tear….for multiple reasons.   The song itself made me cry.   My dad played it for us a few months ago when I was in the car with him, Jack, and my nieces.  He asked me if I knew of it.   I didn’t recognize the title; but when he started playing it, the song was familiar to me.    I think maybe hearing it made me emotional.   I don’t know if it’s the song itself, or if I subconsciously associate it with something.   Maybe it was the song combined with the family bonding moment?   Or maybe I had a prior association?

The other thing is Megan reminds me of Alex (my Magic is Might character).   Although Alex Caucasian….as far as I know.   I would change that fact if I still wanted Alex to become a character in Tallygarunga.   Would that be crazy to use a Tally writer’s face as my character’s face claim?


It always makes me feel good when people notice my work, and to hear that my singing made someone tear up… it… it fills me up. It’s a feeling like no other. It’s the reason I continue singing and performing. It’s for the audience, for that adrenaline rush you get when you hit the stage, the spotlight’s on you, and you’d better get it just right. On a side note, I think it’s funny that she considered using me as a face claim, because I had to search high and low for a face claim that looked like me. And then, BAM! Tiffany Espensen, from Disney. I swear she looks so much like me at 13. It was so perfect, I couldn’t have written it better myself.

32. Wanted to listen to one more Megan video.

I love this song.

The first time I heard it was an Australian singer….Sarah Blasko?

I should have it on my Australian Music playlist.   I’ll go look…..

I was wrong.   It’s Clare Bowditch.

I personally prefer Megan’s version.

I listened to Clare Bowditch’s version. It’s interesting. I’m not 100% in love with her phrasing, but it’s a unique spin on it, which is great, since the song’s been pretty much done to death, a fact which I was not aware of when I recorded my version, which was actually mostly inspired from Jason Castro, from American Idol,’s version.

Oh…and add piano to Megan’s talented. She’s getting a bit annoying. Is there anything she can’t do? Let me guess. She juggles knives, speak five languages, and has puppeteering talents.

Don’t worry. I’m joking. I love talented people.

I had a good laugh at this little bit, because I’m completely flattered and mildly embarrassed… and she’s not that far off… I don’t juggle knives, but I do sport stack, sort of. I just started last month. I also do the rubik’s cube in under a minute. I don’t speak five languages, but I do know American Sign Language. And while I don’t actually do any puppeteering, I do like to imitate lots of different accents. My favorite is the British accent, and somebody once placed me to South London. It’s probably all the Libera videos that I watch.

Anyway, as a big thank you for featuring me in her blog like… three times and being so sweet about everything, I decided to cover Ingrid Michaelson’s song, “Everybody” in her honor. ^_^

Tallygarunga & That Weird American Who’s Obsessed With Australia (Spotlight!)

Decided to go ahead and try this out, because this actually is my first non-video related post. Anyway, for the past year or so, I’ve been on this wonderful roleplaying site called Tallygarunga. It’s a role playing site that’s set in the Harry Potter universe, but instead of in England, where the series is set, it’s set in Australia, so it’s a completely different world. (Almost!)

Anyway, recently it’s come to my attention that there’s this blogger on Blogspot called “That Weird American Who’s Obsessed With Australia” has been blogging about Tally quite often, which is understandable, seeing as she’s obsessed with Australia and (to a lesser degree) Harry Potter. This corresponds well with my interests, seeing as I’ve been obsessed with Harry Potter since the fourth grade (circa 2000) and ever since I joined Tally, I’ve been fostering a growing interest in it. So anyway, she blogs every day, it seems, around 9 PM my time, and since she discovered Tallygarunga, she’s been reading one thread every day and recently she’s stumbled across one of my characters. [Which is totally awesome! (and yes, I did just reference A Very Potter Musical; it’s totally awesome!) =p]

So she’s stumbled across Camryn Adiarte, my brand-spanking-new character on Tally. Cammy’s based primarily on me, with her name borrowed from my cousin Camryn (whom you saw in my spotlight of my cousin Vanessa’s version of Baby). Her last name is Adiarte, borrowed from Patrick Adiarte, one of the “children” in Flower Drum Song, a Roger’s and Hammerstein’s film which I watched because my cousin Angel recommended, but didn’t particularly like myself. I used it because I was pretty sure he’s Filipino, and that’s always nice for me to find. But anyway, I found it rather exciting because she’s not even especially prominent on the site yet, or even very well-known, the way Stewie is. (That is, Stewie Blair, Jr, my second character on the site. The first was a man named Esras, but he’s in the repository now, so he doesn’t really count anyway.)

And now, she’s covered Camryn’s first thread, “I Thought Wands Were For Make-Believe!“, in which Cam has entered Solvarnon’s Wandcraft to purchase her wand for school, and she gets scared out of her wits by a free elf named Fendareniel. (And yes, it is a long name that’s hard to spell and hard to try and pronounce, but it’s also wicked cool.) And she’s featured it in her blog not once, not twice, but three times! o.O That’s pretty crazy! She first covered it in her June 6th post, “Pizza, Peter Combe, Animal Products, and Tamarah” (On a side note, she features Tamarah, Stewie’s older sister, in that post.)

50. Read about a new student Camryn Adiarte.    She’s at the wand store to get her first wand.   She didn’t know until recently that she was a witch.   Will she find a wand?  Will she find a friend?  Will she like school?   Will she adjust to the boarding school life or will she miss her mum too much?

We shall find out soon….I’m sure.

Then, she featured it again in her post, “Pain, Turtles, Slaves, and Personality Tests”, when the thread had been answered once:

21.  Decided to read an update about Camryn Adiarte’s quest for a wand.   She’s new to the wizarding world, and she’s new to Australia.    Not so long ago, she was a Californian Muggle.

Today there’s a new post from Fendareniel, the guy who owns the wand shop.

He’s working with cherry wood.   I wonder if Fendarenial’s role-player knows a lot about wood.   Maybe it’s her/his thing?

Anyway, Fen comes out to greet Camryn.  Then the scene ends there.

And finally, today (or probably yesterday, since this post is taking a while to write), she covered it in “Seeking Donations, Popularity, Abattoirs, and Death”, and since it’s had a few more updates from both myself and Peter, who plays Fen, she had a bit more to say this time around:

24. Went to Tallygarunga

25. Decided to return to the story of Camryn Adiarte buying a wand from Fendareniel, the free elf.

This story thread takes place in the Solvarnon Wandcraft shop which is located in the Murrigal Bushlands.    According to this page, the Murrigal Bushlands lie between Tallygarunga (the school) and Narragyambie, the town.

26. Realised I’m not 100% sure where I left off last.   I’m pretty sure I read at least one post from Camryn and one post from Fendareniel.   So I think I’ll start with post #3.

Camryn sees Fendareniel for the first time.  She’s a bit shocked and scared because she’s never seen an elf before.  But she recovers quickly, and is then polite.

27. Liked that Fendareniel didn’t take offense at Camryn’s initial reaction.  He’s understanding that this is the first time she’s seen an elf and it’s a bit shocking.

I think this is very different from Reade’s attitude toward the waiter at the burger restaurant.   He’s much less tolerant than Fendareniel.    The thing is people do not always know how to react when they encounter something they’ve never encountered before.   This doesn’t mean they’re hateful or cruel.   It just means they’re new to the situation, and therefore ignorant.    What really matters is how the person responds once they understand the situation.   If Camryn kept screaming, ran out of the store, and refused to do business with Fendareniel, then she wouldn’t be that nice of a little girl.   If Reade wrote his food order on a piece of paper, showed it to the waiter, and the waiter continued to ask questions of Arti instead of Reade, then he would have been very rude.    Well, the exception would be if the waiter couldn’t read.   Then I’d have to be understanding of him ignoring Reade’s writing.   Although if Reade could admit to being mute, it would be nice in turn if the waiter could admit to not being able to read.    It would be a fair exchange of confessions.

28. Learned that Camryn’s dad likes Lord of the Ring movies.

29. Learned that before Camryn officially knew she was magic, she got angry and made her brothers hair grow longer.

On a side note, she started reviewing it on #24, which just happens to be my favorite number. ^_^

Good night, sleep tight, and see you next time.

~ Megan Nacionales

Somewhere Over the Rainbow (for Randi)

Ayup! Hope all’s well with you. I’m doing a’ight.

So anyway, I uploaded a new video last Friday. It’s an a cappella version of me doing “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” from The Wizard of Oz. It’s such a gorgeous song; so filled with hope and longing, and such a beautiful, simple melody. I really loved the original Judy Garland version, the Eva Cassidy version, and the Katherine McPhee version from American Idol, so I kind of mushed them together and made my own.

The performance is dedicated to my friend Miranda. She is one the assistant administrators from Tallygarunga, an Australian wizarding role play site based on the world of Harry Potter as created by J.K. Rowling. She is one of the most patient, kind, and understanding people I’ve ever met.

Introducing… my cousin Vanessa (HoySmurp)!

So my little cousin Vanessa made her first YouTube account over this weekend while she was at my house, and she decided to upload a couple of videos today! I’m so proud of her! ^_^ She’s known as HoySmurp, and she was proud to have come up with that herself. I think it’s hilarious. (Hoy + Smurf = Very funny with a Filipino Accent).

The first cover she did was called “Lullabye” by LaTeeya. (I don’t know if I spelled that right, but oh well.) She decided to forgo the instrumentals (even though I’m pretty sure she knows the chords on her uke) and just sang a cappella. I think she did great!

The second cover is of “Baby” by Justin Bieber. She didn’t do the rapping part, because we practiced it this weekend and neither of us was getting the rhythms quite right. (Just sayin’, I’m a terrible rapper… lol…) But she did use her ukulele for the chords. (Oh, and that’s her sister, my cousin Camryn, in the background miming and then singing along). I do have to say that Vanessa’s probably the best at keeping rhythm on an instrument between me, my brother Kevin, and herself. And that’s saying something, because Kevin’s amazing on the stringed instruments. I think she’s just better at holding that rhythm while singing at the same time.

So anyway, if you like her, drop by her vids and give her some love! She’s got a webcam too, so she’ll probably be updating regularly as well. We’ll also be working on collaboration vids, because the three of us can do some crazy good harmony blending. ^_^ Until next time, then.

xoxo Megan

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