Introducing… my cousin Vanessa (HoySmurp)!

So my little cousin Vanessa made her first YouTube account over this weekend while she was at my house, and she decided to upload a couple of videos today! I’m so proud of her! ^_^ She’s known as HoySmurp, and she was proud to have come up with that herself. I think it’s hilarious. (Hoy + Smurf = Very funny with a Filipino Accent).

The first cover she did was called “Lullabye” by LaTeeya. (I don’t know if I spelled that right, but oh well.) She decided to forgo the instrumentals (even though I’m pretty sure she knows the chords on her uke) and just sang a cappella. I think she did great!

The second cover is of “Baby” by Justin Bieber. She didn’t do the rapping part, because we practiced it this weekend and neither of us was getting the rhythms quite right. (Just sayin’, I’m a terrible rapper… lol…) But she did use her ukulele for the chords. (Oh, and that’s her sister, my cousin Camryn, in the background miming and then singing along). I do have to say that Vanessa’s probably the best at keeping rhythm on an instrument between me, my brother Kevin, and herself. And that’s saying something, because Kevin’s amazing on the stringed instruments. I think she’s just better at holding that rhythm while singing at the same time.

So anyway, if you like her, drop by her vids and give her some love! She’s got a webcam too, so she’ll probably be updating regularly as well. We’ll also be working on collaboration vids, because the three of us can do some crazy good harmony blending. ^_^ Until next time, then.

xoxo Megan

1 Comment

  1. June 15, 2011 at 6:59 am

    […] based primarily on me, with her name borrowed from my cousin Camryn (whom you saw in my spotlight of my cousin Vanessa’s version of Baby). Her last name is Adiarte, borrowed from Patrick […]

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