The Importance of Being Earnest

Hi guys! So this isn’t really an update; it’s more of an “I’m not dead — honestly!” post. Because… I’m not dead! =D So yeah, because of the reasons mentioned in the last post, life’s been pretty crazy lately and I actually haven’t uploaded anything on YouTube since. (Not of me, anyway.) SO, to hold you guys over until I get a chance to record again, here’s a little video from the not-so-ancient archives:

This is a scene from “The Importance of Being Earnest” by Oscar Wilde that I performed in for my theatre class final this past winter. It’s one of those funny scenes which was made even funnier because besides being an awkward proposal scene, my scene partner, Terry, was an international student from Korea and so he had a completely different perspective on the character than I did. (I should mention I practically tortured him during our rehearsals because I kept laughing at his facial expressions and sometimes his phrasing of the words. I felt so bad because he was trying so hard to play it straight and I kept dissolving into laughter, and he’d start laughing with me and the practice would go AWOL.)

Anyway, a note about the actual performance: It was two days after my first ever choir performance with the Vintage Singers, the school’s advanced choir, and I’d really pushed myself, so much so that I ended up very ill that night, and the next morning I found I’d lost my voice. This is the following day, when my voice had returned marginally but it’s entirely in my chest voice. I had no head voice for the following month. It was torture during auditions for the next quarter’s Vintage try-outs. At least I still made it, though, so it’s all good. ^_^

So, hope you enjoy. I’ll try to post something up again soon! Salamat!