Rant: Stupid Drivers, Brothers, and Allergies

So today I had class. I went to class, in a mostly good mood. I got to draw with chalk pastels. I drew a fountain on my school’s campus. It turned out pretty well. We shared objects we find aesthetically pleasing or beautiful. I shared a bird’s nest that I found my junior year of high school. Then my dad picked me up.

Turns out we needed to go shopping. We went to the local Costco. We got tomatoes, Caesar salad, French vanilla and hazelnut creamers, half-and-half, chicken thighs, and a beach umbrella, since somebody broke another one of the ones we already have. I ended up lost in the crowd and got separated from Dad and walked around for several minutes before deciding to just go wait at the car, where he was already waiting for me, pissed, of course.

Then we drove home. A block or so before we got home, my Dad was ranting to me about bad drivers. (He saw an Asian lady talking on her cell phone – I don’t know about other parts of the country, but in California, that’s now illegal, and then we got stuck behind this black lady who was driving on the highway at like, 50 miles an hour. Speed limit was like, 65, so of course we were all, “COME ON!” And then, right after my dad had finished his rant about the Asian lady, we were waiting for a light when this one car comes up behind this other car and promptly rear-ends it! He hit the lady’s car so hard it went forward and tapped the back of the pick-up in front of her! Seriously…

And then we got home. And guess what? My mom decided it was a “cleaning day” instead of her usual “play FarmVille all day” day. (Not that she does it all the time, but it’s a little irritating when she’s like, “do your chores” and she’s on FarmVille on her Facebook. (Seriously, she’s on that thing more often than I am… no I am not kidding.)

So she tells me to put away the dishes, which is fine, since that’s my job anyway, but then she tells me to do the dishes, and that got me irritated. Call me petty or childish or immature or whatever, but that is my brother Kevin’s chore. Honestly, it’s not that she’s asking me to work that upsets me, it’s that the specific chore she was having me do causes me to have an allergic reaction. Exposure to water, especially soapy and dirty water, especially the kind with food particles integrated in it, reacts badly with my skin. I have very sensitive skin, plus food allergies, so if, for example, Justin had a PB & J and put the knife in the water with some peanut butter still on it, I would have an allergic reaction.

Besides that, the only reason she told me to do the dishes was because Kevin left some projects of his until the last second and Mom got all stressed and said he had to work on his essay and other stuff while the rest of us cleaned house. That was especially annoying, because all week, he’s been playing “Modern Warfare” or something like that on the PS3. At least he had the decency to say thank you, though, so I’m no longer upset about it.

Speaking of allergies, I must have one of the longest lists ever, not counting that poor kid who’s allergic to everything. I read about him in People or something; felt really bad. Off the top of my head, my allergy list contains: peanuts, macadamia nuts, walnuts, cashews, pecans, oysters, shrimp, avocado, eggplant, and sesame. (No, I am not allergic to all nuts; I can eat almonds, hazelnuts, and pistachios.) It’s incredibly annoying, especially at restaurants. Thai restaurants are the worst – they use peanuts, sesame, and eggplant in just about everything. Usually, I stick to fried rice or Angel Wings, but it’s never a good thing when the family decides to have a party at a Thai place, ’cause then I’m allergic to the catering.