Cover of Declan Galbraith’s “An Angel”

I’ve had this song stuck in my head for a few days, and I’ve been dying to cover it, but I didn’t have my piano. So today, I finally threw in the towel and covered it without playing an instrument. I had to search a while, but I finally did find an instrumental version to sing along to.

It’s a lovely instrumental piece, but it didn’t have the first line and a half, so I had to do those a cappella. (I totes screwed up like five times and started in the wrong key or missed my cue to hit the space bar just as I sang “just like last night” so it took me like ten takes. *headdesk*).

So a little background info on how I found this song: I love musicals, of course, and one of my more recent discoveries (before Wicked and Rent) was Oliver! Now I’d actually decided to go ahead and order it on Amazon, but, of course, that meant I had to wait the somewhere around two weeks before I got it in the mail. So to tide myself over, I spent the next several days watching Oliver! videos. One of those lovely, memorable songs is called “Where is Love”. And even though I still laugh because when I said he sounded like a girl I didn’t actually know he’d been dubbed by a girl, it’s still one of the many, many songs I love about the musical.

So from this particular vid I followed the many suggestions to watch and found the following video:

It’s sung by Joseph McManners, and while I thought he sounded (and, unfortunately, looked) like a girl in this video, I still thought he had a pretty voice, albeit a little thin. So I ended up hooked watching his videos too and came to a video called “Bright Eyes”, which I later found out was actually a cover of Art Garfunkel’s song to his father.

Through this vid, I stumbled across a lovely boy named Declan Galbraith. (On a side note, it took me ages to figure out how to pronounce his name. I might still have said it wrong, but for months I said his name stressing the second syllable and pronouncing it Dee-CLAN. o.O) I thought his cover of Bright Eyes was gorgeous too, although at the time I was a little put-off by the amount of vibrato his voice seems to have. Here’s his version: (I know it’s not an official music video or anything, but it’s the nicest vid I’ve seen put to his version.)

And through getting hooked on his vids, I found this gorgeous song:

Which brings me, several months later, to my cover of his song: (I found out earlier today that this song too, is actually a cover, but since I happen to like his version a bit better than the Kelly Family’s version, and since I covered using his style, I’m posting his vid.)

A quick little shout-out to Lil, one of Tally’s admins and today, the birthday girl! =) She’s also the person who let me adopt my little bouncy-boy, Stewie Blair, Jr, so that makes her extra-awesome! Happy birthday, Lil!