Cover by Megan, Kevin, and Justin: “Bright Eyes” — Art Garfunkel (2009)

This was originally recorded in 2009, at my high school graduation party, for family and friends. Our Lola Acay, (Lola being the word for grandmother, though she was really our dad’s-father’s-sister) had passed away a couple of weeks prior and we sang this at her funeral during the vigil and as she was being lowered into the ground (much like with “Into the West” at my Grandpa Dean’s vigil and funeral this past January). I believe I would have been about 17 here. Kevin was probably 16, and Justin was probably about 6. I picked this song to be our tribute to her because our Lola Acay had a beautiful, warm personality and was always smiling, and whenever she did, her eyes would absolutely light up.

Background Information:

“Bright Eyes” was written by Mike Batt and originally recorded by Art Garfunkel (of Simon and Garfunkel) for the animated film “Watership Down”.

It’s been remade several times, but my favorites are all by boys with treble (unchanged/soprano) voices. I’m pretty sure I was introduced to this song through Joseph McManners, and then through that video, found the version by Declan Galbraith. I’m pretty sure I’ve posted both of those videos in my “An Angel” cover post, so here’s a cover by the adorable Gwion Wyn Jones, one of the three boys who won the BBC’s “I’d Do Anything” competition to find the next Nancy and Oliver for the West End production of “Oliver!” (the musical). He’s a little pitch at points, and the first time I heard it, the accent threw me off, but it’s still a great rendition.

Moving, Sicknesses, and HappySlip! o.O

It’s finally here, and my family is finally almost moved out of our old house and into the new(ish). It’s been crazy, but I love it. I love being around my cousins all the time.

The only problem with living in a 10-person household is that when one person gets sick, everybody gets sick. Case in point: Last Thursday my little cousin Tristan came home with pinkeye in both eyes and mildly sore throat. He got his eye drops and stayed home on Friday (Veterans’ day). The next day, his sister Vanessa said she had a slight sore throat. Sunday, their sister Camryn had a milder case of pinkeye in one eye. Their mother, my Auntie Mel, caught it early and gave her the eye drops right away. Monday night, Vanessa told me she had a headache and a sore throat and she went to sleep early. The next morning, she had a sore throat, a headache, and a fever, so she stayed home. She also lost her voice that day. That night (Tuesday) my little brother Justin came home after Tae Kwon Do practice and he had pinkeye — really severe pinkeye in one of his eyes. Auntie Mel got him some drops, but then Kevin told me that he was having some itching in his left eye. He woke up the next morning — pinkeye, in both eyes! So I ended up going to school by myself, but I had a bit of a tickle in my throat. By the time I went home on Wednesday, the “tickle” had turned into a sore throat and a headache. So I ended up going to sleep early… Everyone’s on the mend now, but it was ridiculous! :\

Which totally reminds me… today I re-watched a HappySlip video about being sick. I remember the first time I watched this particular vid I was actually getting over a sickness myself, so it was extremely relevant. Plus the Vicks stuff totally cracked me up. =P lol.

For anybody who doesn’t know who HappySlip is, HappySlip is a youtuber named Christine Gambito who specializes in vids capitalizing on Filipino humor. Being a Filipino, I totally see a lot of my family in a lot of her vids, and it’s hilarious! I’m pretty sure the first vid I saw of hers was “Chill Pill”, but my favorite… Oh, nevermind, I don’t think I have a favorite. Anyway, her most recent vid is called “Bunts of Junks”. So true… Especially the manila folder stuff. hehe…