Moving, Sicknesses, and HappySlip! o.O

It’s finally here, and my family is finally almost moved out of our old house and into the new(ish). It’s been crazy, but I love it. I love being around my cousins all the time.

The only problem with living in a 10-person household is that when one person gets sick, everybody gets sick. Case in point: Last Thursday my little cousin Tristan came home with pinkeye in both eyes and mildly sore throat. He got his eye drops and stayed home on Friday (Veterans’ day). The next day, his sister Vanessa said she had a slight sore throat. Sunday, their sister Camryn had a milder case of pinkeye in one eye. Their mother, my Auntie Mel, caught it early and gave her the eye drops right away. Monday night, Vanessa told me she had a headache and a sore throat and she went to sleep early. The next morning, she had a sore throat, a headache, and a fever, so she stayed home. She also lost her voice that day. That night (Tuesday) my little brother Justin came home after Tae Kwon Do practice and he had pinkeye — really severe pinkeye in one of his eyes. Auntie Mel got him some drops, but then Kevin told me that he was having some itching in his left eye. He woke up the next morning — pinkeye, in both eyes! So I ended up going to school by myself, but I had a bit of a tickle in my throat. By the time I went home on Wednesday, the “tickle” had turned into a sore throat and a headache. So I ended up going to sleep early… Everyone’s on the mend now, but it was ridiculous! :\

Which totally reminds me… today I re-watched a HappySlip video about being sick. I remember the first time I watched this particular vid I was actually getting over a sickness myself, so it was extremely relevant. Plus the Vicks stuff totally cracked me up. =P lol.

For anybody who doesn’t know who HappySlip is, HappySlip is a youtuber named Christine Gambito who specializes in vids capitalizing on Filipino humor. Being a Filipino, I totally see a lot of my family in a lot of her vids, and it’s hilarious! I’m pretty sure the first vid I saw of hers was “Chill Pill”, but my favorite… Oh, nevermind, I don’t think I have a favorite. Anyway, her most recent vid is called “Bunts of Junks”. So true… Especially the manila folder stuff. hehe…

Introducing… my cousin Vanessa (HoySmurp)!

So my little cousin Vanessa made her first YouTube account over this weekend while she was at my house, and she decided to upload a couple of videos today! I’m so proud of her! ^_^ She’s known as HoySmurp, and she was proud to have come up with that herself. I think it’s hilarious. (Hoy + Smurf = Very funny with a Filipino Accent).

The first cover she did was called “Lullabye” by LaTeeya. (I don’t know if I spelled that right, but oh well.) She decided to forgo the instrumentals (even though I’m pretty sure she knows the chords on her uke) and just sang a cappella. I think she did great!

The second cover is of “Baby” by Justin Bieber. She didn’t do the rapping part, because we practiced it this weekend and neither of us was getting the rhythms quite right. (Just sayin’, I’m a terrible rapper… lol…) But she did use her ukulele for the chords. (Oh, and that’s her sister, my cousin Camryn, in the background miming and then singing along). I do have to say that Vanessa’s probably the best at keeping rhythm on an instrument between me, my brother Kevin, and herself. And that’s saying something, because Kevin’s amazing on the stringed instruments. I think she’s just better at holding that rhythm while singing at the same time.

So anyway, if you like her, drop by her vids and give her some love! She’s got a webcam too, so she’ll probably be updating regularly as well. We’ll also be working on collaboration vids, because the three of us can do some crazy good harmony blending. ^_^ Until next time, then.

xoxo Megan