Cover by Megan: “The Lazy Song” — Bruno Mars

This one’s for Randi, because she specifically requested this song, and because it was her birthday a few days ago. =D

I did flub a couple chord/rhythms but otherwise, I’m okay with how it turned out. ^_^

Somewhere Over the Rainbow (for Randi)

Ayup! Hope all’s well with you. I’m doing a’ight.

So anyway, I uploaded a new video last Friday. It’s an a cappella version of me doing “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” from The Wizard of Oz. It’s such a gorgeous song; so filled with hope and longing, and such a beautiful, simple melody. I really loved the original Judy Garland version, the Eva Cassidy version, and the Katherine McPhee version from American Idol, so I kind of mushed them together and made my own.

The performance is dedicated to my friend Miranda. She is one the assistant administrators from Tallygarunga, an Australian wizarding role play site based on the world of Harry Potter as created by J.K. Rowling. She is one of the most patient, kind, and understanding people I’ve ever met.